Junior School Events Detail



We agree to disagree! - A Friendly Debate

On the crisp winter morning of 14th January, 2021, the Junior School hosted an Online Debating Challenge for the boys of Class 3.

This Elocution Event – ‘Debate with a TWIST’ gave a prolific platform to students to make their choices and express their opinions. The essence of this debate was to embrace differences with positivity and tolerance rather than arguing or putting down the opponents.

Debating has many benefits in the classroom. It not only helps in critical thinking and reasoning, but also builds self-confidence. 

The event was set in motion with an interesting prelude presentation where the boys through an eloquent poem recitation elaborated the importance of making individual choices and how individual opinions matter. The participants encouraged one and all to embrace success which comes in all sizes and stressed that we all must find a voice to express ourselves.

The debating challenge began with aplomb after the Rule Keeper outlined the rules of the event. The debate topics were carefully chosen according to the age group and interest of the participants. The boys debated on five different topics ranging from whether they would ‘fly to space or dive to the bottom of the ocean’ to the point of discussion whether they would ‘travel back in time or to the future’.

The students came up with detailed reasons and examples to support their choices. Whether it was debating about ‘having a robot or a dragon as a pet’ or ‘being an alien or a superhero’, the students had well-crafted arguments and put their points across with conviction, strength, wit and logical reasoning. The participants left no stone unturned to prove their points. They made well-placed statements and gave real-life examples to further support their cause.

The debate speeches were followed by a beautiful PowerPoint presentation glorifying the uniqueness of all the participants of this event, showcasing their talents, likes and dislikes. The presentation indeed brought smiles on the faces of one and all thereby reaffirming that each one of us is special. 

The debate concluded with a thought-provoking recital of the poem – ‘Judge me not!’ which delivered a powerful message of acceptance and tolerance. 
The students were all ears when our respected Brother Miranda and Mrs Kaushal were asked to express their choices and they both spoke straight from their hearts. The audience was moved by the honesty and simplicity with which the final inspirational story was presented by one of our students. 

The event was judged by Mrs Neha Malhotra, English teacher from the Middle School. She applauded the confidence and conviction of the budding orators as she declared the results.
We had our respected Principal, Brother Miranda along with Mr. Chopra, Administrator, Senior School and Mrs Kaushal, Headmistress, Junior School as esteemed guests gracing the occasion with their benign presence.

Brother Miranda in his concluding speech applauded and encouraged the boys and cited the programme as a heart-warming experience where the boys got a wonderful opportunity to share their views and stories. He commended the show, the choice of topics and the efforts that went behind the same. 

Mrs. Kaushal, Headmistress of the Junior School addressed the budding debaters in the end. She appreciated the event and was all praise for the boys to have taken up the challenge during the Elocution Classes. She further encouraged the boys to hone their speaking and listening skills and continue working dedicatedly.

Posted By : Columbas Admin | Date : 01 Feb 2022 |