Middle School Events Detail

Title : SPECIAL AWARDS “BATCH OF 1976” E-CEREMONY ( 2021-22 )

Recognition is indeed the greatest motivator!

This special awards ceremony was conducted on 15th February over virtual platform and the theme for the same was ACHIEVERS!  The awards commenced with an invocation to the Significant Presence. Brother Miranda introduced the special award “Batch of 1976 award for the most improved student and the associated teacher from classes 5 and 8 in category A and B” respectively. Esteemed patrons- the batch of 1976 members introduced each other and presented the awards to the students and the teachers. Brother Robert Fernandez addressed the ceremony and congratulated each awardee. The Heads of the three sections of the school, Teachers and Parents honored the ceremony with their gracious presence. Daksh Bansal of Class 10 entertained the audience by presenting the welcome song. In his address through the virtual platform, Brother Miranda encouraged every Columban to challenge himself and not to be afraid of trying. The vote of thanks was given by the Headmistress of the Middle
Section Mrs. Aparajita Pal.


Posted By : Columbas Admin | Date : 15 Mar 2022 |