Junior School Events Detail


Graduation is the time to look back at the achievements and milestones of the past and also a time to look ahead at the future with hope in the hearts and dreams in our eyes. It’s a time of great celebration and a fresh start to another chapter of life.

18th February, 2022 was a much-awaited day for all the students of Class 3 and their teachers as they celebrated their Online Graduation Day Ceremony. 

The event started by seeking the blessings of our Heavenly Father and thanking Him for being with the students for all of their four years in the Junior Wing.

Our respected Principal Brother Miranda, Mrs. Kaushal, Mrs. Pal and Mr. Chopra were then invited for the lamp lighting ceremony. The brightly lit lamps represented knowledge and education, love and compassion, peace and prosperity, friendship and relationship, honesty and perseverance.

The melodious singing of the hymn – ‘Light a Candle for me, light a candle for you’, left all mesmerised. The students confidently spoke about the 5 symbols, that groomed them to acquire the values to become true Columbans. The 5 symbols were for Section A – The Sun, Section B – The Birch Tree, Section C – The Graduation Toga, Section D – The Owl and Section E – The Peacock. 

The skilfully choreographed dance performance by the boys left the audience glued to the visuals. The bright lamps in the hands of the dancers gleamed as they matched their feet to the beats of the music. 

The students were excited as they walked down memory lane sharing their experiences of the Junior Wing. They narrated their memories about the fun they had and the friendships they found in the corridors of school building.
After reminiscing about their bag full of memories, the students expressed their gratitude towards our respected Principal, Brother Miranda, our Headmistress, Mrs. Kaushal, and all the teachers of the Junior School who not only mentored them but also held their hands during this beautiful journey spanning over four years.


The parents from all 5 sections also came forward to reveal a few stolen moments of the last four years and relived their experiences. They communicated their thankfulness and appreciation for all the educators of the Junior School. 
What followed left all in awe as the students of Class 3 performed beautifully on a medley of songs by grooving to their beats. Our teachers of the Junior School aren’t known to stay far behind. So, the teachers of Class 3 took centre stage and presented an amazing act for their loving students and sang a special song for them – ‘My Wish for you…!’


As a befitting end, the ceremony culminated with our honourable Principal, Brother Miranda and Junior School Headmistress, Mrs Kaushal addressing the young grads. Brother Miranda was elated to see such enthralling performances by the students and wished the boys good luck as they stood on the threshold of a new chapter in their lives. Mrs Kaushal presented the vote of thanks, commended the hard work and reflected back on the journey of these young boys who were finally there to be graduated to class 4. She motivated them to do their very best and take up new challenges at every step. Our Coordinator, Miss V. Sharma expressed gratitude to one and all for gracing this special event.  

The beautiful ceremony surely tugged at the heartstrings of one and all and added pearls to the treasure trove of memories of the students.

Posted By : Columbas Admin | Date : 15 Mar 2022 |