Special Assembly Detail


“Be the living expression of God’s kindness; 
Kindness in your face, 
Kindness in your eyes, 
Kindness in your smile” 
– Mother Teresa


The boys of class KG-B presented their online morning assembly on 9th February 2022. Extending a warm welcome to our respected Headmistress, Mrs Kaushal, teachers and parents, the students led all to the Lord’s Prayer. An interesting weather report that followed updated everyone with the weather conditions prevailing in Delhi.

The students came up with interesting fun facts about a hummingbird which surely intrigued the audience. The Thought of The Day- ‘What we do to others, the same thing comes back to us. So, we should always be nice and loving to others.’ inspired all to spread kindness around with little kind deeds. 

The students reminded everyone about the importance of talking politely, giving company to a sad person, respecting the old as well as the young, being kind to animals and birds, etc. The melodious song about kindness that followed touched the hearts of the audience.

In the end, it was time to tickle the brain cells as the students posed fun riddles and came up with the answers. Our Headmistress, Mrs Kaushal commended the boys for spreading the message of kindness through a wonderful assembly. She encouraged them to practice kindness without seeking anything in return.

Posted By : Columbas Admin | Date : 15 Mar 2022 |