Junior School Events Detail


Earth Day, which is celebrated annually on April 22, is a reminder to protect the environment, restore damaged ecosystems, and live a more sustainable life. This year we celebrated this occasion in Junior School on 21st and 22nd April 2022.

The day started with a beautiful morning assembly to mark the special occasion. The assembly began with a meaningful thought followed by thanking God for this beautiful planet He has blessed us all with. Through an impactful skit, the students delivered a message to do our own little bit and come together to save the Earth. The students wearing green t-shirts with sashes and headgear spread awareness to ‘Go Green', follow the 3 Rs and plant trees.

The class assembly gave the boys the best platform to showcase their skills and express their emotions thereby urging all to take a pledge to care for our mother Earth by contributing in creating a clean, healthy and plastic-free environment. The students came forward and educated all about how our planet is being polluted and suggested to the audience to make every day-Earth Day. The boys impressed all with a melodious song, “The Earth is my home” reminding each one to join hands and protect the Earth.

The assembly concluded with Psalm 24:1 - "The Earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof, the world and those who dwell therein."

In the end, potted plants were presented to Brother Robert Fernandes and Mrs Ritu Kaushal as a token of our love. The assembly was much appreciated by all as it was a great start to the celebrations of Earth Day.

Apart from the morning assembly, various activities were conducted in the classes to generate awareness among our young learners about safeguarding and protecting the environment.

The students of Kindergarten made the beautiful headgear spreading the message - “Save the Earth”. They also planted seeds and saplings. The parents joined our boys with much enthusiasm and even sponsored the pots for the seed planting activity. The boys learnt how to take care of their surroundings and play a significant role in caring for plants and saving Mother Earth. Our little tiny tots came together as ‘Saviours of the Environment’ and distributed beautiful paper bags to all the parents who came to pick or drop the students at the school gate.   

Class 1 boys started the day with an interesting brainstorming session in their classes where they shared simple ways to help protect the environment in school and in the community at large. Recycling, reusing things, turning off the water tap while brushing the teeth, switching off the lights and fans when not in use, etc., were some of the few ideas that the children came up with. The students took up the challenge of adopting these little practices in their lives to show that they care for our planet. After the discussion, the children enjoyed colouring a worksheet.

The students of classes 2 and 3 participated in different activities like Poster Making, Slogan Writing, creating Bookmarks, etc., in their EVS, Library and Elocution classes to mark the day. The students wrote slogans about saying ‘NO’ to single-use plastic and switching to eco-friendly items like jute bags and cloth bags.

The Earth Day celebration was yet another reminder for all the students and teachers in the Junior School that little efforts go a long way in bringing about a huge change and together we all can lead a more sustainable life to safeguard our planet Earth for future generations.

Posted By : Columbas Admin | Date : 02 May 2022 |