Workshop Detail


Origami is the creative art of paper folding. Its name derives from the Japanese words ori (folding) and kami (paper). 
This form of art and craftwork develops not only spatial and perception skills but also refines dexterity and hand-eye coordination and improves concentration. 

A demo of Origami was conducted in Classes 2 and 3 on 11th April’22 in the Junior School. 
The students were very excited to learn new ways of making origami articles using colourful papers.
They patiently listened and observed the demonstrator while he made beautiful birds, flowers, fishes, boats, butterflies, dogs and various other objects in a few minutes. 

The boys were amazed to see the transformation of a flat square sheet of paper into different shapes through folding techniques. 
Origami has been shown to improve creativity and imagination during hands-on learning. Such skills allow children to comprehend, characterize and construct their own vernacular for the world around them. 

Many tricks of paper folding were shared with the students to enhance their creative expression thereby promoting their artistic skills. 
The students were thrilled to see the ‘Magic Books' and were encouraged to learn the skills of origami through this workshop. 


Posted By : Columbas Admin | Date : 21 May 2022 |