Special Assembly Detail


After a relaxing summer break, the teachers of Junior School welcomed the students with high spirits and bright smiles.

The children walked into the campus for a joyous learning experience with cheerful faces. Meeting their friends and having exciting discussions added fuel to their energies for a sparkling start.

To extend a formal welcome, a short welcome assembly was conducted by the teachers.

The day started by seeking the blessings of the Almighty followed by our respected Headmistress presenting a welcoming speech. She encouraged the boys to take care of each other and to show enthusiasm in their studies as well as in all activities. She emphasised on basic discipline rules and manners in the classroom and on the field. Our honourable Principal, Br Robert welcomed the students and staff with warmth and enthusiasm.

The boys had a fun PT exercise conducted by our PE teachers. The birthday boys were greeted by all and birthday songs for the students were sung creating a splendid aura of magnificent erudition.

The assembly boosted their energy and prepared them for the day ahead on a positive note.

Posted By : Columbas Admin | Date : 22 Jul 2022 |