Special Assembly Detail

Title : ASSEMBLY CLASS 3C ( 2022-23 )

A Class Assembly undoubtedly holds a significant position amongst all the routine activities in school. It’s probably one of the best platforms provided to young minds, boosting their confidence towards public speaking and imbibing a feeling of team spirit in their young minds. 

The students of class 3C -started the morning of 11th July, 2022 with a message of ‘Positivity and Kindness’ for all.
The assembly began with a short prayer followed by an interesting skit depicting how one grows when one’s thoughts are positive and on the contrary gets swallowed up by life’s struggles if one is negative. The students portrayed that children too can stay positive simply by being happy, safe and loved.


This was reiterated in the message - ‘One positive thought can change someone’s whole day.’ An engaging and energetic  performance that followed had the boys dancing beautifully to the tune of “A beautiful day has just begun.”           
 The enthusiasm of the performance was contagious and left the audience in awe and appreciation. Some positive news from around the world was later shared with all and a round of brainteasers kept the audience guessing for some time.  
 The assembly successfully concluded with an inspiring message from our respected Principal, Brother Robert who applauded the efforts of the students. He also shared his “secret” to positivity, i.e., by keeping our surroundings clean and thus full of positive energy. The assembly was much appreciated by our Headmistress Mrs Ritu Kaushal, coordinators, teachers and students.

Posted By : Columbas Admin | Date : 25 Jul 2022 |