Events Detail


August 15th - Independence Day

Venue : Senior School Ground


The show started by an introduction by the class 12th boys about Independence Day and its significance. It was followed by a patriotic poem written by a senior school boy. Then a speech was delivered which infused the feelings of nationalism in the students.


The National Anthem was sung by all students of junior, Middle and Senior wings.

The junior school portrayed many freedom fighters and how we triumphed and achieved Independence from the British.

Everybody enjoyed the patriotic numbers sung by the Senior school band.


Then came the Finale dance, it showcased the boys dancing to Bollywood hits like 'INDIAWAALE', 'CHUNARIYA' and 'VANDE MATARAM'. The audience got on their feet to cheer for the boys. The show ended by Br. Miranda addressing the school followed by the School Anthem.



Posted By : Columbas Admin | Date : 17 Aug 2016 |