Events Detail

Title : DISASTER MANAGEMENT (2016-2017)

A session in Disaster Management was held in the middle school auditorium on 2nd Sep 2016. It was attended by the teachers of senior, middle, junior school and Principal Br. Miranda.


Mrs. Manju Rawat on behalf of the DM team gave a presentation on how to safeguard our students against Earthquake and Fire.


Br Miranda gave a brief introduction to the need of DM in the beginning which was followed by the presentation. After a brief introduction to Disaster Management and types of disasters, Earthquake and Fire management was discussed in detail.


It included evacuation drills, evacuation plans for each floor and evacuation during exam time.


With regard to fire, the need of fire safety in schools, causes of fire and steps in evacuation process was told.


In the end the presentation came to an end with a brief open forum in which some questions were answered.


Manju Singh Rawat

Incharge-DM (Middle School)


Posted By : Columbas Admin | Date : 09 Sep 2016 |