Junior School Events Detail


A beautiful show titled - RESONANCE, was organised in the Junior School by the Elocution Club and Western Music Club on the 20th of July, 2022, where the students enthralled one and all with their poetic and melodic skills.

The event was graced by our honourable Principal, Brother Robert Fernandes, Senior School Administrator, Mr Chopra and Junior School Headmistress, Mrs Kaushal. The parents and grandparents of the students of Class 3 filled the Junior School hall with their enthusiastic and jovial presence.

The theme chosen was the SDGs and the boys spread a word about coming together for a sustainable future by each one of us doing our bit. The 5Ps - People, Planet, Peace, Prosperity and Partnerships were highlighted through beautiful poetry recitals and melodious songs.

Under the able guidance and training of Mrs Guglani, the students of Class 3 spoke with flair and eloquence as they delivered powerful dialogues and poems on the 5Ps of SDGs. The students delivered the message with confidence and conviction and urged one and all to come together to save our planet. After each poem, a song appropriate to the theme was sung. All 5 sections of Class 3 under the mentoring of Mr Ungshungmi presented a song each and filled the junior school hall with melody and music. The audience, especially the parents and grandparents were thrilled as each and every student participated in the event, either by speaking or singing. True to the central promise of the SDGs, no one was left behind in this event. The event had 100% participation from all sections of Class 3.

As the show came to an end, our respected Principal, Brother Robert congratulated the students and expressed his appreciation to all the participants. Additionally, he suggested that the 6th P according to him is good parenting, which is the need of the hour. He reminded the audience that the children have a dream and they have just begun living their life and we have to ask ourselves how we can help them to realize their dream. Thereafter, Mrs Kaushal, our respected Headmistress, too, applauded the students for their wonderful performances. Additionally, she also suggested that the 7th P according to her would be patience – patience to let the children learn and grow, to give them time and space to become wonderful gentlemen.

The show ended with words of gratitude and thunderous applause.

Posted By : Columbas Admin | Date : 06 Aug 2022 |