Events Detail


Columban Plantation Drive

Working towards the improvement of nature is as important as educating children. In times like today, when human activities like deforestation are endangering the environment, it is very important to protect it and keep it at its level best. Our school came up with an idea to plant more plants in our school campus to nurture the nature. This plantation drive was supported by LG Electronics which was celebrating their 20th Anniversary on the 22nd May 2017.


This drive was given the slogan, "Let's Nurture the Nature for a Better Future". Not only the students of our school but students from OCA and Pratyek participated in this activity whole heartedly as well. It was the combined efforts of students, teacher faculty and the team from LG Electronics which made this event a success.

Activity In charges:-

Mrs. A. Pant

Mrs. R. Nigam

Special thanks to Br. James, under whose guidance this activity took place.


Posted By : Columbas Admin | Date : 14 Aug 2017 |