Special Assembly Detail

Title : ASSEMBLY CLASS 2B ( 2022-23 )

A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out. —
Keeping the above theme in perspective a class assembly was conducted by the students of Class 2B on 1st August 2022. On the occasion of International Friendship Day, the apt topic- ‘A friend in need, is a friend indeed.’ was chosen.
The assembly began with a short prayer to give a soulful start to the day. What followed was an interesting skit based on the theme of friendship.


The enactment depicted how in a forest, different animals were not willing to be friends with an elephant because of its huge size. Later the elephant saved the lives of the animals who realized that the elephant was just the right size to be their friend. The students enjoyed enacting their roles with animal headgear. They fittingly gave the message that friends come in all shapes and sizes.

There was a short quiz that followed and the students smartly answered all questions.
The students showed placards of the moral of the story and shared two new words they had learnt. They highlighted that we should not make fun of anyone, but help one another in need. The skit ended with a beautiful hymn ‘Bind us together’. Later all the boys enthusiastically performed swimming exercises (Freestyle and Butterfly stroke). The assembly focused on the importance of friends in our lives. (5P’s – People) The students also learnt to value friends and help one another.


Brother Sameer, who graced the assembly with his benign presence applauded the boys for their efforts. Mrs Kaushal also praised the students and appreciated the presentation.

Posted By : Columbas Admin | Date : 22 Aug 2022 |