Special Assembly Detail

Title : ASSEMBLY CLASS 3E ( 2022-23 )

We at St. Columba’s firmly believe in the role of books and the benefits of reading in a student’s life. Keeping the same in mind, Class 3E boys presented a special assembly on the "Importance of Reading" on 18th July 2022. The assembly began by praying to the Lord and giving thanks for the new day and for all His blessings.
Following the prayer, the students presented a skit titled "Friends Forever”. The enactment showcased the importance of taking out time to read and the significance of the habit of reading books in a student's life.


The boys highlighted how during the digital era we have entirely forgotten books. They noted how we have stopped going to book shops to buy books for ourselves or our friends. The students also stressed that we must make wise use of our school library.

They spoke about how reading develops our minds and gives us knowledge and lessons of life. Books help us understand the world around us better and enhance vocabulary and creative thinking skills.
The melodious song performance that followed brought lively smiles to the faces of the audience.  

Our Headmistress, Mrs Ritu Kaushal expressed her joy and applauded the boys. She shared a few encouraging words which further motivated the students to read and learn better. Mrs Kaushal spoke about the multiple benefits of reading and delivered a message to take up reading books as a part of our daily routine.

Posted By : Columbas Admin | Date : 23 Aug 2022 |