Junior School Events

Title : EASTER ASSEMBLY (2019-20)

‘Jesus said to her I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live even though he dies and whosoever lives and believes in me will never die.’ -John 2 : 25-26 On 12th April 2019, students of classes 2 and 3 presented a play on Easter in which they demonstrated various significant events that occurred in the Holy Week beginning on Palm Sunday ...

Posted By : Columbas Admin | Date : 30 Apr 2019 | ...View More


The morning assembly is an opportune time to drive home an important message. No other moment is so precious and simultaneously impacts so many minds as the “ morning moment” when the mind is focussed and fresh. The special assemblies, in beautiful presentations by the boys, are moments of significant learning and are conducted  by each class in rotation. ...

Posted By : Columbas Admin | Date : 30 Apr 2019 | ...View More


In the month of April, the school held Orientation programs for each of the classes in the Junior wing, chaired by Br Miranda, the Principal and Mrs Ritu Kaushal, the Headmistress. In interactive sessions, the main events and activities of the new academic year (2019-2020) were discussed. New parents were apprised of the core values of the school and the climate of a shared r...

Posted By : Columbas Admin | Date : 30 Apr 2019 | ...View More


As part of the social inclusion week the ER ambassadors i.e. 25 boys from class 9 were trained about inclusion to improve opportunities for people to live an inclusive life, to understand, promote, support and evidence it. The ER ambassadors took a value education class on community service of grade 3A and 3B. The charts were also displayed in the Junior School foyer to promo...

Posted By : Columbas Admin | Date : 30 Apr 2019 | ...View More

Title : VALUE EDUCATION (2019-20)

Courtesy Counts The students of 2- A learnt to use polite words like Please, Thank You, Sorry and Excuse Me in the form of a poem. The boys realised the importance of building relationships through courtesy and promised to remind each other to be polite.

Posted By : Columbas Admin | Date : 30 Apr 2019 | ...View More


A child’s basic characteristic is that of an explorer so what better place to explore than his environment ! he starts by learning about his immediate environment-his family. He explores further to learn more. The more he  learns about his environment , the more he learns to care for the Earth with a deeper appreciation of his role. This he does through the three m...

Posted By : Columbas Admin | Date : 30 Apr 2019 | ...View More

Title : MATHEMAGIC (2019-20)

Learning numbers and numerical operations is not so daunting if children start with concrete operations and then move  to abstract learning. At every level, activities are done to make mathematical operations easy to fathom. We hope that they will become wizards with numbers as they unravel the mystery of Math.

Posted By : Columbas Admin | Date : 30 Apr 2019 | ...View More

Title : ENGLISH FOR EVERYONE (2019-20)

The English language is not only the medium of instruction in SCS but, in the Junior Wing, we strive to make it the only language of communication. This is a challenging task as no child is a native speaker. In an effort to make an arduous task easier, the teaching of the language is reinforced through ABL ( Activity Based Learning) Enjoy English!

Posted By : Columbas Admin | Date : 30 Apr 2019 | ...View More