KG School Events


We realize that listening to the inner voice is as important as listening to instructions and what better time to do this than at the beginning of the day! It helps the little busybody to develop focus and a sense of well being as he learns to calm himself before plunging into an active daily routine.It is also an acknowledgment of the presence of God in our everyday life. ...

Posted By : Columbas Admin | Date : 26 Aug 2017 | ...View More

Title : EARTH DAY (2017-18)

"He who plants a tree plants a HOPE"   Give me a blue sky Give me a Green Earth Clean Water, Clean Air Isn't that my fair share!   The boys of Kindergarten planted saplings to celebrate Earth day 2017. The importance of saving and planting trees for a Green planet was emphasized.Activities were conducted in the classrooms to serve ...

Posted By : Columbas Admin | Date : 26 Aug 2017 | ...View More