Senior School Events

Title : DANCE, DRAMA ACTION (2019-20)

Dance is one of the most purest forms of art, it expresses all emotions along with the movement of the body. Dance has developed over thousands of years in various cultures across the world. India is believed to be the place where this art form originated from.   1. The Bharjatya Art & Culture Trust organized the "Malang dance competition" at Narsingh...

Posted By : Columbas Admin | Date : 29 Aug 2019 | ...View More


Amity (Mayur Vihar), organized a band competition- “Crescendo”. We are pleased to announce that the participants secured second position out of the 25 schools that participated. The participants were as follows:-  Abraham Peter  Darren Fernandes  Aditya Gupta  Ishan Sharma  Sachit Jude

Posted By : Columbas Admin | Date : 01 Aug 2019 | ...View More


The INTRA COLUMBAN  MODEL UNITED NATION was ORGANISED BY THE MUN SOCIETY SENIOR SCHOOL on 6th and  7th July 2019.  Two committees were simulated as well the International Press. The event saw the participation of students from classes IX to XII.    The conference was an enriching experience for the participants as they received extensive traini...

Posted By : Columbas Admin | Date : 01 Aug 2019 | ...View More


Carmel Convent School, Chanakyapuri, had its cultural week "IRIDESCENCE", from 22nd July 2019. St. Columba's Participated in only one event throughout the Week, "Capture The Market", on the 26th July 2019, which was a Business and Marketting Event. 20 schools had participated in the event. The judgement Criteria were the Promotional, Marketing, Adverti...

Posted By : Columbas Admin | Date : 01 Aug 2019 | ...View More

Title : DEBATES CLASS-XI (2019-20)

This House Believes... Debates are one of the best ways to chisel and fine tune even some of the best speakers around. Our Columbans have no dearth of oratory skills. Class 11th showcased their prowess in a week long battle of wits in the intra-debate competitions.   The opening of the school after the summer break set the clock ticking for the debates of class...

Posted By : Columbas Admin | Date : 01 Aug 2019 | ...View More

Title : AWARD CEREMONY :- (2019-20)

The Annual Award presentation ceremony for the academic year 2018-2019 was held on the 12th of July ,2019 in the Edmund Rice Hall. The chief guest of the day was Mr. Harish Seth who is an alumnus of SCS batch of 1960 and the founder of the Pearl Polymers Ltd. He is the current chairman of the OCT.    The ceremony started at 9:00 am with the lighting of the lamp ...

Posted By : Columbas Admin | Date : 12 Jul 2019 | ...View More


Mathematics is often called the language of the Universe. It is however treated by students as the language of gloom. St. Columba’s took an initiative to change the status quo. With this aim in mind, a Mathematics Competition was organized with questions related to basic math concepts on May 8th. This was organized to assess the aptitude of students in the subject.

Posted By : Columbas Admin | Date : 24 May 2019 | ...View More

Title : BIBLE QUIZ (2019-20)

“God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble.” –Psalm 46:1-3 The Bible Quiz was held at Holy Child, Tagore Park on 8th may. The objective of which was to educate the students about God’s word. Our students Nishant Sam and Victor Saju stood second in the quiz. 

Posted By : Columbas Admin | Date : 24 May 2019 | ...View More