Senior School Events


On the 12th of May, 2020, the Quiz Society (2019-20) organised an online quiz, Exquizzite 2020, for the students of classes 11 & 12. Exquizzite has been the annual individual written quiz of Senior school for more than a decade, and despite all difficulties it was a grand success in 2020 as well. Although there were some initial doubts regarding the feasibility of conduct...

Posted By : Columbas Admin | Date : 02 Jun 2020 | ...View More


It has been a month since the lockdown was announced and the people’s initial enthusiasm at getting more time at home and exploring new skills has since given way to boredomand finally frustration (apparent in the their faces’ reflection on the Netflix screen as it teasingly asks “Are you still watching?”). While we are in the midst of a pandemic, w...

Posted By : Columbas Admin | Date : 05 May 2020 | ...View More


Class XI students of the IT steam of St. Columba's School, New Delhi went for an Industrial Visit at Mother Dairy, Patparganj, New Delhi on 6th. February, 2020.   The purpose was to provide students an insight regarding internal working of Mother Dairy and opportunity to learn practically through interaction regarding the Milk collection, Transportation, Testin...

Posted By : Columbas Admin | Date : 28 Feb 2020 | ...View More

Title : MODEL UNITED NATIONS (2019-20)

Young Columbans are already on the path of becoming policy makers of tomorrow.   There was an MUN organised by lady Irwin college Sikandara road on 24th January 2020. The following boys from SCS participated and received accolades for their performance.   1. Nishant Sam from class XI -D was a part of the United Nations General Assembly and received a ver...

Posted By : Columbas Admin | Date : 03 Feb 2020 | ...View More

Title : JUST-TOGETHER (2019-20)

A St. Columba’s and St. John’s collaboration   An outreach event was organised by the Just Ed Society of St. Columba’s to St. John’s High School, Chandigarh. The students were given a tour of the campus. They attended a live class and visited affiliates of the school. The school has various unconventional facilities such as the mechanical an...

Posted By : Columbas Admin | Date : 03 Feb 2020 | ...View More

Title : FOR THE EXPERIENCE! (2019-20)

We are not always in it to win it. Sometimes it is more about learning and experience. Springdales, Pusa Road is well known for the interschool events that it organises. Students from St. Columba’s participated in two of these events in the month of December. A) - As Easy as pi The Shri R. S. Niamat Rai competition of investigatory projects in Mathematics is an...

Posted By : Columbas Admin | Date : 08 Jan 2020 | ...View More

Title : CAPS OFF TO YOU, GRADUATE! (2019-20)

In a formal ceremony, class XII students and their parents were invited by the school to felicitate them with mementoes and blessings. To end the year with a bang, the last event of the school is, blessing the passing out batch through a formal graduation ceremony hosted by the senior school. 21st December 2019 was a witness to months of preparation, hard work and love for...

Posted By : Columbas Admin | Date : 08 Jan 2020 | ...View More


Class XI every year anxiously awaits this opportunity to say adieu in a special way to their seniors. 18th December 2019 will be a memorable day for the passing out batch of class XII. A month-long planning and preparation made this day fun and exciting for all. A few students from class XII shared their experiences at St Columba’s. In a spirit of fun, there were som...

Posted By : Columbas Admin | Date : 08 Jan 2020 | ...View More