Senior School Events

Title : PRODIGY CUP ( 2020-21 )

Our Columbans turned out to be the champions of the 14th edition of Prodigy.  1. Prodigy is an exhilarating and captivating conclave for high schoolers to get a glimpse of the corporate world and what management is all about. It provides a platform to introspect the business acumen and display analytical, logical and observatory skills. With the brightest minds in ...

Posted By : Columbas Admin | Date : 24 Mar 2021 | ...View More

Title : WATER WISE PROJECT (2020-21)

Water Wise Project Class Section Registration Number Which activity have you chosen to express your thoughts on the World Water Day? Share with us to spread your message of hope for our planet Earth.Upload your work here. Ansh Gupta 11 A 25478 2 minute Video about ways to save water CLICK HERE Suryans...

Posted By : Columbas Admin | Date : 22 Mar 2021 | ...View More


Our Columbans are an amazing amalgamation of talent, grit and determination  a. Ansh Gupta of class 11 A participated in the University Quiz organised by Scholarly on 31st January 2021. The quiz covered information about universities and their history around the globe. He bagged the first position and was awarded Rs. 25,000 b. Suryansh Govind, student of 11-A, atte...

Posted By : Columbas Admin | Date : 18 Feb 2021 | ...View More


It is better to debate a question without settling it than to settle a question without debating it. The Debating Society of St. Columba’s School organized intra-class debates for class 11 from 13th to 15th January 2021. The results are as follows-   Round 1: 11A won against 11C 11D won against 11E 11B won against 11F   Round 2: 11A won against ...

Posted By : Columbas Admin | Date : 18 Feb 2021 | ...View More


Class XI students bid farewell to the passing out batch of 2021 over a virtual platform. It is difficult to adjust to the fact that without meeting each other even once, the year has already ended and it is time to bid adieu to our class XII students. To make them feel special, class XI gave them a virtual farewell. On 18th December, the Senior school could not keep themse...

Posted By : Columbas Admin | Date : 22 Dec 2020 | ...View More


Columbans are learning to fight everyday challenges Due to the decreasing quality of air and an increase in air pollution specially during November, the Just ED Society of St. Columba’s School collaborated with Youth for Seva took up the initiative of “Each One Plant One” to create a green cover in Delhi by planting trees and saplings. Volunteers had to p...

Posted By : Columbas Admin | Date : 22 Dec 2020 | ...View More

Title : THE READERS’ WEEK ( 2020-21 )

“The more you read the more things you will know. The more that you learn the more places that you will go to." The Literary Society of St. Columba’s School organized a Readers' Week from 9th-12th November to achieve its goals to deepen the appreciation for books, exhibit the writing and visual art skills, expand students’ vocabulary, encourage a...

Posted By : Columbas Admin | Date : 22 Dec 2020 | ...View More


“The talent of success is nothing more than doing what you can do well; and doing well whatever you do…” —Henry Wadsworth   A. Talent Fair at Queen's Mary School Ishaan Sharda of class 12 E participated in the Talent Fair organised by Queen's Mary School. He secured the First Position in ' The Words of Wisdom' event where...

Posted By : Columbas Admin | Date : 12 Nov 2020 | ...View More