Junior School Events

Title : CLASS ASSEMBLY BY 2B (2019-20)

Summer holidays are a good time for fun and frolic. The students look forward to this part of the year with much enthusiasm. The boys of class 2B chose ‘Hello Vacation’ as the topic for their class assembly, just before the school closed. The students enacted a short skit elaborating different constructive ideas to spend the holidays while engaging in interesting...

Posted By : Columbas Admin | Date : 01 Jun 2019 | ...View More

Title : INTRA CLASS QUIZ- CLASS 2 (2019-20)

“Learning gives creativity, Creativity leads to thinking, Thinking provides knowledge, Knowledge makes us great.” - Dr. A. P. J. Kalam The importance of quiz and it’s advantages in learning has been well recognised since long.  Besides the apparent benefits of expanding a student's knowledge, quiz sessions are interactive platforms for sh...

Posted By : Columbas Admin | Date : 01 Jun 2019 | ...View More

Title : SHOOT OUT TO THE STARS! (2019-20)

Elocution Speech Activity The boys of class 3 had fun shooting out to the stars!! The students participated in a fun speech activity titled- ‘I wish I were an astronaut!’ With colourful props and intriguing scientific facts up their sleeves, the boys expressed their desires to be cosmonauts.

Posted By : Columbas Admin | Date : 24 May 2019 | ...View More


In an outdoor activity of Class 1-A, shapes were drawn on the ground for the children to identify and sit on. The children were given flashcards and had to find the shapes that would correspond with the pictures on their flashcards. This enabled them to learn about shapes, and to relate to the idea, that the world around them, is made up of different shapes.

Posted By : Columbas Admin | Date : 24 May 2019 | ...View More


Learning Number Bonds was never such fun as it was here ! The boys of I-E learnt all about  part + part = whole in a creative activity. They used  'bindis' to fill in the missing dots to complete the number bonds. The teacher monitored the activity, encouraging the students, in their endeavour, to master the concept.

Posted By : Columbas Admin | Date : 24 May 2019 | ...View More

Title : LIBRARY LOVE (2019-20)

The Junior School library is aesthetically designed to attract our young Columbans to become good readers. Interactive story telling sessions through books, flash cards and smart boards is an integral part of the library period. The use of big illustrative books enhances the experience, generating more interest in reading. Soft background music is also played to create a sere...

Posted By : Columbas Admin | Date : 24 May 2019 | ...View More


Inter School competitions provide a platform for students to showcase their creativity, keeping alive the spirit of participation and sportsmanship. Syed Ayaan Mir of Class 3-E participated in The Lil’ Designers competition organised by  Air Force Golden Jubilee School on 9th May 2019. In this competition, he created a poster using MS Paint (Windows 7 ) on Christma...

Posted By : Columbas Admin | Date : 24 May 2019 | ...View More


One often marvels at the extraordinary zest and passion of 6/7 year olds ! The boys of class 2-A were shown ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’ by Eric Carle- which they found very engrossing. Following the same, there was a short recap of the life cycle of a butterfly as an oral discussion. Thereafter, all the students did a pasting activity with leaf cut-outs, thermoc...

Posted By : Columbas Admin | Date : 24 May 2019 | ...View More