KG School Events


Nothing would make sense without our senses ! The students of kindergarten learnt of the five senses  in a cut and paste activity. The teacher explained to them that even to do this simple activity, they needed their senses, and thus must take good care of their sense organs.

Posted By : Columbas Admin | Date : 24 May 2019 | ...View More

Title : SUMMER FUN - WE MADE...THE LEMONADE ! (2019-20)

The boys of KG - C did a summer activity of  'making lemonade'. They learnt to squeeze the lemons, learnt about its taste, and the benefits of a lemon based drink, on a hot summer day. The vocabulary associated with the activity like -squeeze, stir, mix, pour, etc was highlighted by the teacher, who steered the process to make it a double benefit activity. ...

Posted By : Columbas Admin | Date : 24 May 2019 | ...View More

Title : IT'S SUMMER !! (2019-20)

  If you have been miserable in the sweltering summer heat, then the kindergarten classes would have been worth a visit. Perspiration was converted to inspiration,when the activity based on Summer, took an innovative turn. The only heat, was the heat of excitement, as each student spoke about his summer prop. The Summer show ended with a chorus of  " We Love...

Posted By : Columbas Admin | Date : 24 May 2019 | ...View More

Title : GARDEN OF MAGIC WORDS (2019-20)

The boys of Kindergarten took a stroll through the ‘Garden of Magic Words' ! It was a lesson in humility and politeness as they learnt how these words spell magic by bringing smiles to the faces of others.

Posted By : Columbas Admin | Date : 24 May 2019 | ...View More


The first day of kindergarten was not a 'scary separation' but a beautiful beginning. As our little learners toddled in, their grim faces broke into smiles when they  met with warmth and friendship in teachers and fellow students. Exploring their uniqueness and yet becoming part of a group was new, but an interesting discovery. The riot of colours, the hum of mus...

Posted By : Columbas Admin | Date : 30 Apr 2019 | ...View More

Title : KG ORIENTATION ( 2019-20 )

“Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success. “    -Edward Everett Hale The KG Parent Orientation was held on 22nd March 2019. The Edmund Rice Hall was packed with eager and enthusiastic parents full of aspirations for their young wards. The gathering was addressed by the Principal, Brother Miranda who wel...

Posted By : Columbas Admin | Date : 23 Mar 2019 | ...View More


On 14th February, 2019, the students of kindergarten of St. Columba’s Junior Wing, celebrated their Annual Cultural Show. The theatrical presentations from all five sections were based on the theme, "Panchatantra Tales”- the tales of wisdom. The little ones ignited the stage with their mesmerizing performances which were full of enthusiasm and zeal. The tales...

Posted By : Columbas Admin | Date : 02 Mar 2019 | ...View More

Title : KG CARNIVAL (2018-19)

The much awaited KG Diwali Carnival was held on the bright sunny morning of 26th of October 2018, in the Junior School field. The children and the parents of the kindergarten had a memorable day full of fun, frolic and learning. The carnival was held with a difference, where our children learnt and enhanced their skills of decision making, fine motor, cognition, reading, comp...

Posted By : Columbas Admin | Date : 19 Nov 2018 | ...View More