Outreach Programme


The toy bank being hosted by the senior school Just Ed society is a culmination of all what children’s-rights activists have been working towards, ensuring all children have the right to play. This is a unique, one-of a kind venture on part of our school, and we look forward to many more such events happening at our school.  Children are the future of our natio...

Posted By : Columbas Admin | Date : 01 Aug 2019 | ...View More

Title : OUTREACH PROGRAMME - CLASS 10 (2019-20)

May was the month for class 10 outreach. All five section visited Nirmal Hriday -  a place for destitutes . The class teacher and a parent representative accompanied the students. The students prepared prayers and cultural program for the inmates. The students also generously donated juices , Glucon D, etc. at the centre.

Posted By : Columbas Admin | Date : 24 May 2019 | ...View More

Title : CLASS ASSEMBLY BY 10D (2019-20)

Class  10D presented an assembly on 21st  may ,2019. The topic was ‘Prayer is platinum’. Students emphasized on the harmful effects of noise, on how we should communicate with each other and with God. The day should begin by sitting in silence everyday for some time in prayer. They ended their assembly with a beautiful poem which stated that God is with...

Posted By : Columbas Admin | Date : 25 May 2019 | ...View More

Title : OUTREACH PROGRAMME - CLASS 3 (2018-19)

“We ourselves feel that what we are doing is just a drop in the ocean. But the ocean would be less because of that missing drop” -Mother Teresa   We live in a world which is running at a great pace, where everyone is trying to outrun each other and are focused on one thing i.e. “Me”. In these present times, we are experiencing the gre...

Posted By : Columbas Admin | Date : 31 Mar 2019 | ...View More

Title : OUTREACH PROGRAMME - CLASS 2 (2018-19)

Outreach activities and programmes form an integral part of the education in St. Columba’s. It encourages the students to get in touch with the community, reach out to various people and work for causes that concern the environment. The outreach topic for the boys of class 2 was -Wealth out of Waste! The teachers of class 2 collaborated with the NGO -SAFE. SAFE ...

Posted By : Columbas Admin | Date : 31 Mar 2019 | ...View More

Title : OUTREACH PROGRAMME - CLASS 1 (2018-19)

“The greatness of a nation can be judged by the way its animals are treated.” -MAHATMA GANDHI   We at St. Columba's School believe in the holistic development of the children which includes educating young minds to care for the community and the environment. An OUTREACH PROGRAMME was conducted for class 1 students in the months of October-Nov...

Posted By : Columbas Admin | Date : 31 Mar 2019 | ...View More


Date: 7th February, 2019 Venue: St. Mary’s Home for the Aged Women, Rajpur road, Delhi-30 The students of Class 7D accompanied by their class teacher and two parent volunteers visited St. Mary’s Home for the elderly women on 7th February, 2019. The group set out for the venue at 9:30 am and reached there at around quarter past ten. Students presented a sm...

Posted By : Columbas Admin | Date : 08 Feb 2019 | ...View More


Date: 6th February, 2019 Venue:  Old age women's home in St.Victoria School, Rajpura Road. The students of Class 7 B and 8 C accompanied by their class teachers and two parent volunteers visited an old age home for elderly women in St. Victoria school on 6th February, 2019. The students presented a programme which included a skit, carols, songs, prayers and ...

Posted By : Columbas Admin | Date : 08 Feb 2019 | ...View More